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Clemson Football

Trevor Lawrence on the 2020 season: "We’ll be ready."

August 7, 2020

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Here are a few quick notes from Trevor Lawrence’s post-practice interview. We will continue to add notes, but feel to watch the whole interview above.

  • Trevor Lawrence on getting ready for a championship season.
    • “Everyone is committed to it. Wearing our masks. Creating a bubble. We’ll be ready."
  • Trevor Lawrence on choosing not to opt-out.
    • “I think everyone thought about it, but since I made the decision to play, I haven’t thought about it. Me and Travis are committed to playing."
  • Trevor Lawrence on what he would say to those who want to opt-out.
    • “I totally get it. There is a lot on the line. I respect it, even though my decision is different."​​​​​​
  • Trevor Lawrence on steps to stay safe.
    •  “We try to keep our circles small."
  • Trevor Lawrence asked about he and Etienne’s thoughts on being committed to the season.
    • “I probably shouldn’t have spoken for Travis, but he loves the game."
  • Trevor Lawrence calls freshman wideout Ajou Ajou.
    • “He is a freak.”
  • Trevor Lawrence on Amari Rodgers.
    • He looks as good as he’s looked since I’ve been here."

The following are additional unedited notes from Trevor Lawrence’s post-practice availability.

I know you've had a lot going in your private life getting engaged and so forth. But what was it like just trying to keep yourself in shape? How much access did you have to weights? Keeping your nutrition regimen going all that stuff? How much of a challenge was that for you?

  • “Oh, yeah, it was definitely harder at first because, you realize how blessed you are. We've got this facility and everything's so easy, come in and lift, you've got your shake and your food waiting on you. We had probably from March until (intelligible) on our own, so I took about two weeks off after spring practice because we didn't get a big break after the season's end. After that, I just started working out on my own here in Clemson. Couldn't come to the facility obviously, working out here for about a month, running on my own, throwing a couple of days a week. I believe it was in May just find anything I can to stay in shape and to stay ready because I was hoping eventually we'd be able to come back. So it worked out good. We've gotten a bunch of good workouts in so it's been good.”

Trevor, what did you make of the Big Ten and the Pac 12 unity conferences and has there been any talk among ACC players?

  • We've had some conversations within our own team. I wouldn't say conference necessarily with other teams what's really going on that front but I haven't really read over the Big 10 one honestly but the Pac 12 when it came out, I saw it and I think I don't necessarily agree with everything that was on there but I think people just using their voice to support them that they believe in and they want. I respect that. So for me, I think I agree with some of it and some of it I know. That's how life is. But I'm just excited to play football and I can I can speak for pretty much our whole team that we're just glad to be back.”

So it does feel like you guys are five-time defending ACC champs and you're ready to do more. Can you get ready for a champ another championship season through this whole pandemic thing?

  • I think so. I know we have a great plan in place and it seems like everyone's committed to it. We've been doing a really good job of wearing our masks, keeping our distance, keeping the facility super clean and really just kind of creating a little bubble, if you will. So, so that's what we're trying to do right now. And we're ready. Either way, whenever they tell us that we got our schedule, we know we're playing. If that stays the same, we'll be ready. If it changes, we're gonna be ready for that, too. So I think it's just preparing and having an open mind, being flexible to whatever happens. And I'm just glad we got a team that's really committed.

Trevor, after your freshman year, some people thought you should give up football, wait two years and just get ready for the draft? I'm sure that talk is happening again, you know, that you should opt out this season. Did you ever think about opting out because of the pandemic?

  • “You know, I think everyone's thought about it just with everything going on. But I mean, since I've made the decision to play I hadn't thought about it again. That's my decision. I'm committed. I want to play my last year here you know if that's what I decide to do, it's my third year even have another one. So I think people forget, I got four years, so I'm just ready to have a great year and be a part of this team. We're super pumped. Like I said, me and Travis are definitely here. We're committed to playing. But yeah, I mean, that's the thing is once I decide I'm playing, my minds off of that. But yeah, I mean, like you said, People just sit out. And then after this past year, everyone's saying, oh, stuff I got to work on. So at some point, you got to make decisions for yourself. I'm just excited to play football that's what I do. That's what I love to do.”

Trevor, when did you make that decision? And who did you talk with before coming in that decision?

  • “Just my family and everything. And it really just depended on kind of the guidelines that, you know, the NCAA and teams put in place and also how the schedule is going to look and whether or not we're going to be able to play a full season all those things kind of factor into it. And, once I heard, it did change a little bit as far as conference only, but we're gonna play 10, 11 games, whatever it is, I'm not even sure honestly. I know it's at least and that we're still gonna have (the) ACC championship and playoff games, all that stuff. I mean, that's football. That's what we've been doing. And that's what I want to do.”

Trevor, what do you think about people who do want to opt-out? What would you say for those who decide they don't want to play college football this season?

  • “I totally get it. I mean, there's a lot on the line for them if they feel the risk is too much. I mean, I understand it's something they've worked for their whole life to get a chance to play in the NFL and they don't want to risk it. You know, I think everyone has different reasons, but it makes sense in this situation. So I respect it. And you know, even though my decision is different, I definitely understand it. But I had to make that decision too.”

Trevor, this is David Hale with ESPN. I know how much you've given any thought to this the FCS today, a lot of folks talking about moving to a spring season. I know the other divisions have, I'm sure obviously we're all hoping that doesn't happen for y'all. But would that change your calculus? If the season gets shortened? If games get canceled, if something got pushed into spring, would you have to reevaluate your participation from there?

  • “I'm not sure I mean, I'm sure that would take some more decisions that would have to be made, obviously, but right now, this is what they tell us we're doing we're playing this fall in about a month, so we got to get ready. But I mean, like I said, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it and I'm confident we got a good plan and we'll be ready to work.”

Trevor, this is Grace from The Athletic, are there still people in your ear about it?

  • “Not really, I mean, I think everyone on the outside just that's how it is with most things that go on (in the) world is just like, you hear a lot of outside noise, but you know, my circle, my friends, family, support me in whatever I do, and they know that, you know, I'm gonna make my own decisions. And yes, it is important keeping my family safe and everyone around me but besides that, this is my decision and like I said, everyone supports me that's close to me, that's important to me.”

Trevor, I know you don't go around with a business card that says face of college football, but you are kind of that, as such, you get a lot of inquiries from, you know, protest groups or even guys that you, like you said know and respect that want you to kind of join up and how do you process those kind of requests and inquiries?

  • “Yeah, I mean, you've seen some of the stuff that we've been able to do here in the past three or four months, can't remember how long it's been exactly. But yeah, it's cool to be a part of those things. And Darien (Rencher) and Mike (Jones Jr.) and Cornell (Powell) and all those guys kind of did a lot of organizing, set it up. And I was happy to be a part of the protest we had here. But just, you know, stuff like that. I just got to ask myself, is it important to me, and if it is, you know, how can I help but other than that, it's not something I really believe and I'm passionate about, I usually don't really get too involved in it because I got a lot on my plate. So I try to keep it to a minimum and even things that I do care about, you know, sometimes you gotta, you got to know what's too much and you can't be the face of everything. So just playing my role, making the best what I feel the best impact with the platform I have. So that's what I'm trying to do.”

Trevor, Lawton Swann, Clemson Sports Talk. Are you concerned at all about when the student body does return to campus? How you guys handle that?

  • “Yeah that'll be another challenge. 2020's been full of them. We're figuring it out slowly but surely. So we'll figure it out. I'm not really sure how that's gonna go. I know, they're gonna have some online options, though. Who knows? I mean, I'll look into that for sure just to try to keep myself safe and my family. But other than that, you know, I can't really control anything else. Hopefully people are responsible, wear their masks. But other than that, you just don't know. So we'll see here in a month or so.”

Trevor, when the numbers kind of spiked early on with the team. What was the level of concern with the team then and what did you try to do as a leader to calm things down?

  • “I feel like, internally, we were in a good spot. Obviously, that's not something you ever want is the number to spike like that. But I think we were doing as good a job as we could. It's just, you know, something that no one's ever really experienced, know how to navigate it. We know a lot more now we're doing a way better job of just keeping everyone safe just because we know more. But then it was just, you know, obviously, we've seen how fast this virus can spread and that started happening to us. So just trying to keep your circles really small, don't hang out with a ton of people. And then also, the guys on the team have learned, you know, on the weekends and days off, you can't just go out and be around them to a bunch of new people because we got to protect each other. So I think all that's been part of the learning curve that we've done a really good job of handling.”

Trevor, is there an aspect to your game that you didn't get a chance to work on in the offseason that maybe you're trying to play catch up on or you're concerned about at all?

  • “The good thing was, we were lucky, we got nine practices in spring. So a lot of teams didn't get any. A lot of teams got one or two and we got over half of our practices in before the pandemic because we started so early. So really I got to work on a lot of things I wanted to work on I want to work on my base and just accuracy I think towards the end of the year, my mechanics got a little bit off and you could definitely tell. So just accuracy mechanics, my base in the pocket and my pocket presence, all those things I wanted to work on and I did in the spring, got a lot better. But yeah, just over the offseason continuing to do those on my own as much as I can. It's hard without live looks. But then definitely this fall camp. That's been one of my priorities is just what can I get better at little things, you know, because at this point, you know, I know the offense still a lot more I can learn as far as big picture football wise, but in our offense, you know, I know what everyone's doing. I know all that. So just how can I get a little bit better in all these different areas and that's really what I'm trying to do right now.

Did you get to spend any time with the newer receivers or some guys that are gonna have to step up at all this summer? And then not how important is this camp to get that connection?

  • “I mean, in camp that's no matter how much work you got and there's nothing like live reps especially it's our defense I mean, this is where the most prepared team because we just go against the best guys in the country do so many different things. But yeah, I mean, we worked a good bit this summer, obviously not as much as we wanted because for a month or two, it's not the safest thing to get a bunch of guys to get a throw in where we don't really know anything about the virus and all that so we didn't throw for a couple months after spring practice because we just really couldn't so everyone's doing things on their own. And then you know, it's probably April ish. I can't remember exactly when. When we started kind of getting back throwing with a couple guys and then as summer goes to try get more and more still trying to say stay safe. No one really knows what's the smartest thing to do is you got to get ready. So, but really that we weren't a good bit at some player led stuff this summer towards the end of July and early August but now it's just every day. We're practicing every day. Guys are getting challenged, getting mentally tougher. You know, it's hot out here, long practice. So I think we're definitely getting better.”

Did you get back Joe and Frank today?

  • “We do not. Not right now I don't really know honestly, what the situation is we're just out here playing and we got guys that are stepping up. But no, we didn't have them out there today.”

Can you speak to what you've seen from EJ (Williams) so far?

  • “Yeah, he's looked good. He's had to take, like you said, with those two guys being out right now. He's had to take more reps. And you can tell, he's getting in really good shape and getting better just learning. You know, I mean, he's a great football player, you know, just raw talent and just learn a little things like me and him get on the same page telling them hey, this is what I like. And you know, this is a better way to run this route or to set someone up just all that stuff that we're talking about and that's the fun thing about camp is you get to throw the new guys, get guys ready and by the end of this you feel really confident in your team.”

Did you get to throw with Joe this summer at all?

  • “A little bit, yeah he got here towards the end, he enrolled this summer and we threw for a couple weeks I can't remember exactly when he got here. He was out here today and I mean, he's a freak. You just look at them and just shoot I don't even know how tall he, long arms, he can go up and get it. He's gonna be a great player still got obviously young like everyone got some things to learn but he looks he looks really good.”

Trevor, you mentioned that you and Travis are both committed to playing given that you two are kind of in the same boat in some respects. Like how much would you guys talk to each other and council each other on a decision to be here and be committed?

  • “Yeah, I mean, we talk a lot about those things. And I probably shouldn't have spoke for Travis but you know, we're here practicing so I assume we're both committed. I'm definitely committed. But no, we talk a lot about these things and I think that's a tough decision, especially in his shoes, it's being his fourth year. And I'm just really just proud to be on the team with a guy that's, that's committed and that wants to play football. And that's what we talked about. He loves the game. That's why he's playing. It's not about the money necessarily. And it's good to hear.”

Just as a follow up, Trevor, when exactly did you make your decision? And then what did it feel like once you made it official? I guess?

  • “I don't even know, honestly. And it's not like I even really made a decision necessarily, it was always that I'm probably playing then it never got to the point where I was like, Okay, I don't think I'm going to play you know, it was always like, I'm going to play until something happens to the point where I don't feel like it's safe, or I really feel like I need to just go on and that never happened. So I've been pretty much committed to playing the whole time. I don't think I've ever really gone back and forth.”

Trevor, usually, how much does the way that that last year ended and I don't know how kind of tongue in cheek it was when you said like people say you have stuff to work on now, like, how much does that play into your decision? If at all? Did you kind of come out with something to prove this year?

  • “Always, I mean, it's not even necessarily about you know, last year, obviously, they left a bad taste in my mouth. I think this whole team left a bad taste in our mouth, but it's just about like I said, playing football.  I don't want to give up that opportunity to play another year here at Clemson. You know, I love it here. I've met some of my best friends, coaches, everyone just it's just a family and really excited to have at least one more year here. And I wasn't ready to give that up.”

How much were you able to throw this summer with Joe and Frank?

  • “We able to throw a good bit like I said, once we kind of all came back and we're all on campus for those voluntary workouts in June, we started throwing a little bit, got our timing and I felt like we were in a good spot. I mean, like I said, we're not here today. But I feel like we got a bunch of good work in the summer at least. So I feel like we left on a good note a couple weeks ago.”

With Amari, were you able to work out with him a lot?

  • “Yeah for sure. I mean Amari was probably the guy I worked out with the most honestly this summer and he's just so versatile. He's out here, he's played a couple different positions already in the first two days just working different things and he looks great. He looks fast. Definitely can't tell you ever hurt his knee or anything. He looks the best he's looks and since I've been here, so just excited for that for sure.”

Coach Swinney told us back in the spring back I guess in our zoom teleconference in early April, that DJ at times, made you look sort of normal, because he's got such a strong arm. Do you ever feel that way? Like just kind of taken aback by how talented he is and what's your relationship been like with him since he came in the spring and just your first impressions of him?

  • “He's so talented and like Coach Swinney said, it's probably accurate. I mean, some of the balls he throws and just super-strong arm and he's just a good player, good instincts even though he hasn't quite figured out all the offense yet because he just got here but he just is a good natural player, can run, make people miss, obviously can escape, do everything you really need a quarterback position. But it's been fun to just be in meeting rooms with him, try to help them learn and really just, it's good to have a guy like that who came here wasn't promised anything, came into a situation that most people will probably wouldn't. And it's been cool for him just to be in a meeting room with him, soak up everything ask me questions and really just bounce things off each other.”

Trevor was it at all frustrating as you waited on the ACC schedule to come out this week. I know you guys thought you were out. to open up at Georgia Tech and now you're opening up at Wake Forest was that kind of weird as a player this late into the summer not knowing who you're going to play?

  • “Yeah, I mean, cause you spend few weeks, months preparing for Georgia Tech, you know, not heavy but just you know, every week doing a little bit and getting ready. And then all this happens and you're like, well, I guess we're still playing towards Georgia Tech so you keep preparing and then schedule gets blown up, it gets changed. And I just asked Coach Swinney and we're having a senior meeting and we're talking about fall camp getting ready I'm like, do we even know we're playing first and I mean, obviously it came out a couple days later, but I think the ACC did a really good job of keeping Coach Swinney and us in the loop so we knew what was going on. It wasn't like we were just waiting on someone to say something online. You know, we kind of knew what was going on. And they kind of kept us in the loop  which was really good. I think they did a good job. Obviously no one knows how to handle this perfectly. But yeah, we're excited we got a schedule, we know what's gonna we know the order at least now.”

Trevor, could you tell us how different practice has been now and compared to other years, how different it is with the protocols and all?

  • “It's still practice. I mean, it feels almost the same, but it's just little things you got to remember. I mean, we got these coverings that when we have our helmets off, got to put them up and try to stay two yards apart six feet, just while we're standing on the sidelines. I think other than that, not much is too different that's just the main thing is just covering up and staying kind of away from each other's you're not sweating and breathing on one another so those are the main things.”

I think you said you've had some conversations as a team about some of the PAC 12 stuff and kind of how that's going. And just your thoughts on that stuff.

  • “Yeah, I think some of the good stuff they brought to light was the safety things for COVID. And we've had talked to the coaches and everything and we feel safe. We feel like good protocols are in place. And as far as just medical coverage, if something were to happen and we feel safe now. We just had to clear those things up and things that were already in place for our team that we had to make sure. And those were the main things that we were worried about is wasn't really the other stuff that they said necessarily, that we were trying to push for it was just, let's just all make sure that we're covered and we're safe if something happens because we're risking our health by playing but we all are assuming the risk so it's not you know, it's our choice, but we want to make sure we were covered and safe and I feel like we're we got really good hands.”

Trevor, what has it been like this offseason finding your voice. What's that journey been like for you as you started to speak up about things that you're passionate about?

  • “I think things change, you know, with the protests and everything. I never really saw myself doing anything like that. Not necessarily to say I led it, but just being a part of it. But things just as you get older and you learn more, and you get new friends and you just kind of change a little bit as far as how you see things and I have some really good friends here. That's something they're passionate about. And being friends with them, you see some things that you didn't really see before. So I think that was the main thing is just seeing things that affect some of my friends and support in any way I can because I mean, (I) wouldn't be a friend if I didn't.”
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Trevor Lawrence on the 2020 season: "We’ll be ready."

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